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Based on 484 reviews
Ocean Village Southampton framed print

Great quality print, very happy with the quality

Great quality and service.

Love the print and it makes a fine addition to the man cave. Well packaged and quick delivery. Highly recommended. BZ

Wonderful thank you. Perfect gift

Wonderful thank you. Perfect gift

better than I expected great quality would...

better than I expected great quality would use again

Beautiful print, love it , looks great fra...

Beautiful print, love it , looks great framed and my wall


Very pleased with Hampshire Prints as they quickly changed an address for delivery with no problems. The picture is lovely and the service was excellent. Would definitely use them again.

Wonderful photograph looks truly stunning

Wonderful photograph looks truly stunning

Brighton Pavilion Print

Beautiful print and amazing customer service. Helpful, friendly and I would highly recommend.

Beautiful photo, excellent shipping speed,...

Beautiful photo, excellent shipping speed, thank you!

lovely just what I wanted would recomend i...

lovely just what I wanted would recomend it always

Beautiful picture very pleased with my pur...

Beautiful picture very pleased with my purchase

HMS Londonderry

Needed this to make up a gift for my son. Fortunately Hampshire Prints had a choice of photos in a range of sizes of this ship. Picked out the most appropriate - arrived within the week - delighted with the quality and very reasonably priced.

Framed photo

Excellent purchase, birthday present for my husband who was over the moon

10/10 thank you very much

10/10 thank you very much

Print is high quality and the seller effic...

Print is high quality and the seller efficiently fixed a problem with shipping. Thank you!

L71, Calpe at Valetta 1945

Very pleased with the quality of the print. I looked at it closely, and can see the battle station my dad would have been at. One of only two Oerlikon 20mm cannon on board, on the lower bridge sponsons. He was well acquainted with Valetta. Dad gone from this ship by the time of the photo, (Oct 1945) he was out of the Med and into Indian Ocean trooping to Rangoon on LSI Sainfoin.
I'm sure I will be back for more!

Great unique print, excellent print qualit...

Great unique print, excellent print quality and quick delivery.

It's ok but doesn't look good with the coa...

It's ok but doesn't look good with the coating

Hi Paul, We hope you're doing well! We've been trying to get in touch with you regarding the 'coating' you mentioned on your print. We wanted to clarify that we don't add any coating to our prints so we are a little confused. We'd love to offer a replacement if you're not satisfied, but we haven't been able to reach you. If you could contact us directly, we'd be able to resolve your issue right away. In the rare instances where our customers aren't completely happy, we always encourage them to reach out to us as soon as possible. Our small, friendly team is here and more than happy to help resolve any issues that you may have. Best regards HP

Spot On

The framed photograph of my old ship is fantastic. I was worried that having such a large size, it would lose clarity but, it is amazing. Thank you.

Great image. A high quality photo

Great image. A high quality photo

Great picture, a high quality photo

Great picture, a high quality photo

Hms Iron Duke

Very pleased with the photo and the packaging was excellent

The picture came today, so quickly and my...

The picture came today, so quickly and my husband was just very pleased. When we were dating he often sent me cards with St. Michael's Mount on it so it means a lot to both of us. Can hardly wait to get it framed and on the wall. Thank you for helping make our anniversary on the 17th great.

Beautiful print, fast delivery excellent s...

Beautiful print, fast delivery excellent seller